Data Analysis

Let's learn about data analysis. Once you've identified a customerneed, each need must receive a priority rating. Ratings are typically on a one to five scale. Five indicating very important and 1 indicating not as important. These importance ratings are then used as multipliers as we move through the matrix. Now, each "what" receives a corresponding "how". Now we have "what" we want to accomplish and "how" we are going to accomplish it.


The middle portion of a the matrix is called the relationship matrix. The relationship matrix identifies how the "whats" relate to meeting the "hows." By evaluating each pair of the relationships, determinations are made as to the strength of the relationship.

The strength of the relationship between the "whats" and the "hows" is documented in the relationship matrix by a symbol. The "fish eye" represents a strong relationship, a 9; a circle equals 3, representing a moderate relationship; and, a triangle stands for a weak relationship, a 1. If there is no relationship, the cell is left blank.

You can learn more about this analysis in a course entitled, Hoshin Kanri: Visual Strategic Planning.