Customer Interviews

The customer's true needs are things that they may not be able to express. You will need to listen to what they are saying and make sure that you are always asking them, "And what will having X get you?" For example, if they ask for a cookie that has only .02% fat, ask them what having a low fat cookie will do for them. Their answer may be, "It will help make me healthier." Their true need is to be healthier and not just have a low fat cookie. If you only paid attention to the fat in the cookie, you might miss another integral ingredient that would help them become healthier. This would excite the customer!

Here are some questions to help you get the ball rolling!

- In what ways do our product and/or service perform well?
- What are the best features of our product and/or service?
- What aspects of our product and/or service would you strongly recommend we NOT change?
- When using our product and/or service what defects would cause you to segregate the product?
- What are the top 2 to 3 issues that are important to your customers?
- In what areas do our competitors perform better?
- Is there ever a circumstance when a performance feature of our product would cause you to change your processes in any way?
- Describe an ideal technical support experience and how do we compare?
- In what areas can we improve the relationship between our company and your organization?
- If you had a magic wand, what would you change about our product and/or our support?
- Looking into the future, how do you see your needs evolving?

Let's talk about the customer interview process and the order of activities. You are now at the customer's location, sitting down with them to begin the interview. Before the interview begins, introduce yourself and the note taker. Briefly explain the interviewing process and reiterate why you’re at their location, and what you’re going to be doing with the information you’re collecting. Then explain the note taker’s role and your role.

If you have a handout for the customer, you can summarize the major categories of the interview. Then begin the interview and ask your perfect questions! Get specific information and clarify any “fuzzy” areas. When you're done, thank the customer. After you're done talking to the customer, find a quiet place to debrief the interview with your partner. Type up responses as quickly after the interview as you can so you don't forget anything.